the 60 minutes when I am my own worst critic

I'm going to share something I haven't talked about much.

I have been running my freelance business for almost 15 years. I have spoken at many events, meetings, conferences, and workshops - on stage, live in a room, virtually in Zoom.

I think I am quite good as a speaker (usually) - educating, informing, and while I love to write, sometimes I feel as though I'm better at communicating if I can just have a conversation.

However, after the presentation or event I think it's the worst thing I've ever done.

We are our own worst critics. Can you relate?

I'm always second-guessing immediately after the event. I remember things in the moment I had intended to touch on, or share but missed. I think about the ways I stumbled. Moments that often only I would notice. I tell myself lies like 'that was the worst' and 'I'll never be invited back'.

After the first hour post-event, I can logically look back with more pride and a true assessment. If there were areas that I might shift for my next presentation, I do that. Speaking at events evolves and should be workshopped often so updating and adjusting is not a bad thing, but doing it with purpose is better.

I feel confident in my ability to present.

Again, usually.

So why do I entertain those first 60 minutes post-event? I am always trying to get better at it and recognizing that I do it helps as a start.

What does this have to do with content?

Have you ever done something that you felt maybe was harder than it seems for others, or where you are tough on yourself when it comes to content?

Are you skipping some content because you are too harsh to yourself?

Maybe you start to record a story and decide you don't like it.

Or create a Reel but you feel awkward in the video.

Or maybe as you write a newsletter you second-guess the story you are sharing.

I want you to know that in those awkward, non-perfect moments, we build confidence.

My introverted, general anxiety disordered self doesn't go on stage because I have to. I truly enjoy it once there AND I know it's an effective way for me to share my message. But it's not 'easy'. It does take work and trial and error.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

Your content is like that too.

So share a series of stories. Try a Reel. Remember my voice in your head saying 'it doesn't have to be perfect.' Consider it practice.

And after a while if you don't like that format, then you'll know you'll need to find a better way to share content for YOU. All of our plans should be customized to our businesses and ourselves.

What should we do instead if there are marketing and visibility methods we struggle with? Let me leave you with a few suggestions:

If you feel like recording a video is overwhelming (and you find you are trying to set up your background and notes and it's too 'staged') try recording a story. It's more casual, shorter, and doesn't last on your account long. It's a good way to practive video.

If you want to share your message but aren't comfortable speaking on stage or on camera in a webinar format, try audio. Record clips and use them over pre-recorded video or images as a voiceover, turn to a podcast, or pitch to be a podcast guest.

If you want to share a newsletter or blog post but find writing more difficult, record a conversation with your notes and transcribe it.

Sometimes, we need to step out of our comfort zone. And sometimes, we'll spend 60 minutes overthinking what we did. But if you plan with intention, and give it a try, you may discover something new that you enjoy.

Or, at the very least, confirm what you DON'T enjoy and there's value in that too!

If you have questions about any of the suggestions I left you with, like tools to use for recording etc. reply and let me know!!


ps: I have two events coming up where I'll be doing more speaking!

๐Ÿ’กIlluminate Your Biz will cover a lot more about visibility and stepping out of our comfort zone and into the spotlight with our business. There's still time to register, we begin Monday, April 22! Join us here.

๐Ÿ“ For Ottawa friends, The Rally Round has invited me to host a workshop all about content planning. I'll be helping participants plan out content for the next 3 months! Tickets are here.

Rebecca Stanisic

Content Strategist

Watch or listen to my FREE social media webinarโ€‹

9- 2020 Lanthier Dr Suite 339 , Orleans, ON K4A 3V4
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Simplify your content, stress less.

We need to rethink content and social media. Less can be more, when it's done right. If you are stressed out and overwhelmed from content creation I want to help you develop a content strategy that works for you by focusing on message clarity, time-saving steps and intentional content planning.

Read more from Simplify your content, stress less.

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