we're consuming too much content

We are consuming too much content and it's affecting how we create our own.

Yes, I also think we are creating too much but that's a story for another day.

When it comes to consuming, we are scrolling and searching and spending time 'researching' when really, some of that time can be spend doing.

The truth is, and I know this because I do it myself, there's only so much we need to consume. It's different when we engage and reply and build relationships, but passive consumption of content has limits.

Research is valuable, but don't get lost in that part. Without taking action (yes, I talk about this a lot!) we won't further our own business goals.

And worse. We'll just end up comparing ourselves to others and it may cause us to pause our action altogether.

Does that sound familiar?

I do it. I have some ideas, I have a plan, I scroll on a day when I'm feeling a little anxious and see others doing something similar or what I assume may be better and I think 'oh, maybe I shouldn't."

What I should be doing is using my goals and plan and strategy as a guide and keep driving to reach that destination, making my own GPS directions along the way.

If you are feeling tired of content, burnt out and unsure what to do about it, start by reducing your time consuming it.

Allow yourself space for creation, strategizing and planning.

And for some fun.

Set the comparison aside. Set the algorithm aside and go back to basics.

What are your goals? What does your strategy look like? What tools and tactics and actions will you use in that strategy to help you reach those goals?

Listen to Episode 5 of The Ten Count Podcast for more discussion! (and please ignore the part where I did math wrong ;)

Download and subscribe where you usually listen to your podcasts or go to this link

Also, in my FREE social media webinar 'the 8 common mistakes small business owners are making on social media and how to fix them' this is one of the mistakes I list. So is creating too much.

Watch or listen to the webinar for more about those mistakes.

Honestly, this webinar is filled with so many tips and actionable advice!

Reply to this email and let me know what you think about this topic! Do you feel like you are consuming too much too?


ps: If you are completely stuck on what to do next for your content let's chat. I offer Idea Brew sessions to help you get focused (45 minutes long for only $147+tx) or content audits to give you a plan for your next 60 days of content creation and focus. Reply to this email for more details or to secure your spot. Space is limited as I head into summer vacay soon!

On the podcast...

In episode 5 of The Ten Count Podcast I chat about consuming too much and how it's affecting our creation of content.

Listen to the episode where you usually listen to podcasts (it's on Spotify and Apple) and subscribe!

Or, listen here.

In other news...

💡 Illuminate Your Biz is running a new SUMMER cohort! This means for 6 weeks this summer you can focus on your business messaging and communications to get more visibility and growth. Sign up for the waitlist here!

Rebecca Stanisic

Content Strategist

➡️ Watch or listen to my

FREE social media webinar

9- 2020 Lanthier Dr Suite 339 , Orleans, ON K4A 3V4
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Simplify your content, stress less.

There's a better way to create content, and you don't have to spend all of your time on social media to do it. I help busy solopreneurs focus on their brand messaging, goals and long-form content (like blogs, newsletters and podcasts) so they can spend less time creating content and more time doing the things they love, in their business and life.

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